Announcement for Updating the Fuse Network for FIP12 and FIP13

Announcement for Updating the Fuse Network for FIP12 and FIP13

[Purpose]: The main purpose of this message is to update the developers, validators, node operators to and any dapp developers to update the software for the Fuse Network to reflect the FIP12 and FIP13 changes.

Note: This software update doesn’t result in any soft or hard fork. This is a client software update for improving the Network capacity and helping reduce spam attacks. We are expecting Aug 18 to be the day when we merge V2.0.2 into the main branch. You should update after the merge.

Fuse Network validators have voted to [FIP12] increase block gas limit to 20,000, 000 from previous limit of 10, 000, 000 and [FIP13] increase the gas price to 10 gwei from previou 1 gwei. You can find more details about the FIP12 and FIp13 in the references listed below.

Who Should Update

You should be updating the software if you are:

  • Running a validator node
  • Running a full node - if you want to run the latest OpenEthereum 3.3.5
  • Running a RPC node
  • Hardcoded the gas prices in your dapps

Update the Software (using

You should pull the latest quickstart script and run it. This will reflect the changes for the FIP12, FIP13 and OpenEthereum Version 3.3.5.

We recommend updating any Dapps that use the hardcoded gas price to reflect the new gas price as soon as possible.

Additional Information

  • This software update doesn’t result in any soft or hard fork.
  • This is a client software update for improving the Network capacity and helping reduce spam attacks.
  • We are expecting Aug 17 to be the day when we merge V2.0.2 into the main branch.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions and want to discuss a particular aspect of these FIPs, please reach out to us at or here in the fuse forum.



Hi All.

According to the details provided in PullRequest #129 (and the previous fuse network announcement), the fuse network has just published updated software to accommodate the recent upgrades to FIP12, FIP13, and OpenEthereum.

Update the Software (using

Get the most recent version of the quickstart script, and then run that. This will fetch the most recent docker container, which has fixes for FIP12, FIP13, and OpenEthereum 3.3.5.

For those who wish to try out and perhaps install a Nethermind-based spark node, there is a Nethermind quickstart script available.

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