Fuse Stable Swap Beta


The code is a bit of a mess (I’m cleaning it up!), but can be found here:
Webpage: https://github.com/ericDeCourcy/Fuse-StableSwap-Frontend
Smart Contracts: https://github.com/ericDeCourcy/FUSE-stableswap


I apologize in advance for any bugs that may exist. I’m very confident in the smart contracts, so your funds should be safe, but we’ve got a cap and are in Beta for now just in case. The frontend may be rather buggy, but you can help by reporting issues on github!

If you detect an issue with the smart contracts, such that funds are at risk, please do not report it on github. Instead, please email me at ericdecourcy at protonmail dot com.

I’ll be soliciting a grant for a bug bounty as well as a liquidity-bootstrapping rewards program. In the meantime, please play with the pool, and perhaps earn some interest by depositing into it.

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